

Fast rhyming wordsmith Swank is a unique talent on the Apocalyps label. Being versatile with wordplay and flows, Swank has intricate bars for anything he jumps on. Giving listeners an animated flow to compliment his animated character on every track.



JUST-JOHNNY a smooth laid back spitter with a slurred delivery but quick witty punchlines. JOHNNY comes from the city of Cleveland and with his unique voice has carved out a lane for himself yet still fits right alongside his Apocalys peers. JUST-JOHNNY is the artist to watch and a great addition to the Apocalys roster!



East Cleveland rhyme spitter Zell embodies the Apocalyps Records ideology by not only being the founder of the company but by also getting the label tattooed on his skin. Creating soulful music that details his journey through life Zell gives us a glimpse into the life of an artist surviving and running towards his greatness.